Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru

KURTULUŞ CEPHESİ'nin Değerlendirmeleri

A Brief History Of The MRTA
Neo-Liberalism and Globalization
Route of the Peruvian Revolution
The Revolutionary Strategy
Strategie der MRTA
Programm der MRTA
Uber die Arbeit mit den Massen
Kommunique der MRTA

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A Brief History Of The MRTA
Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru
(Túpac Amaru Devrimci Hareketi) (MRTA)

        The Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA) are part of a long tradition of anti-colonial liberation struggles. They see themselves as an organization of the people, and they stress the importance of working together with other organizations such as trade unions, workers' groups, students, and peasants.
        The goal of this cooperation is the creation of a popular front movement, on the basis of which a new, socialist society will be created. The MRTA feels that this goal cannot be achieved through parliamentary politics alone, which is why the organization went underground shortly after it was founded and began forming armed units. The economic vision of the MRTA is a mixed economy based on communal planning. This would allow for limited private ownership, but an emphasis would be placed upon communal ownership.


Struggle Against Neo-Liberalism!
        Neo-liberalism is not a new form of capitalist economics. Neo-liberal policies, which have been brutally practiced for decades by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, are a form of imperialist exploitation. The term "liberal" confuses many people, since it is often associated with progressive politics. But freedom under neo-liberalism is not for people, rather for capital. The function of the state is to be reduced to providing internal and external security. All forms of social policy are to disappear, since they degrade the conditions for capital and create regional disadvantages with respect to the world market. Without regard for the effects on the population, budgets are slashed, cut, and rationalized away.
        These days, there is increasing competition between states in the interest of international capital. Even the "welfare states" among the industrialized nations are seeking to secure their competitiveness by slashing social programs. In the so-called Third World, for example in Latin America, these policies, with all their catastrophic consequences, are a continuing form of imperialist exploitation.

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