
Communique N°19
April 1991
The unfairness existing for years in our homeland, injustice, scandals, political repressions, Massenexekutionen, and one after another military governments, begin a new era last years ago.
It is surely not incorrectly, this new era prepared as a limited and forbitten political government with a "civilian" appearance, with all refinements against the people equipped with prohibitions, to name new suppressions and enmities. Those the oligarchy faithful government develops today new methods, by requiring of people "self-sacrificing". With demagogy, which knows "democracy" only "slowly slowly" is carried out, is tried, to manufacture against the suppressions, torture, unfairness and murders a cemetery peace. The fascist government 12. September was tried to publicise with all means as a "civilian" government, this "civilian" government has with all propaganda and
pasification means tries, as "there is no alternative", up to "the SS decree" (2), with which their true face was revealed. It collaborator last in the Kuwait question with the USA openly, and the USA like a service dog served, and on the other hand in the country the suppression and force against the people to a never dagewesene intensity raised. It is clear, which cannot continue it in such a way. With the Demagogie to keep in the Near East "the peace upright", krempelt it the sleeves highly, in order to play the role gendarmes for the USA in the region. The oligarchy induces itself thus to its extreme step.
We, THKP C/HDÖ, want repeat some facts to underline.
For decades our country is suppressed and exploited by the imperialism, in particular by the US imperialism. This imperialistic exploitation is continued with a handful Kollaborierenden, with the oligarchie. You (the people) through-lived and does day for day the effects these exploitation it still further. Thinks alone of diye'@Phase of 12. September 1980 until today. If you think female workers and workers since, how your unionized rights you entrissen are, back, which rights were fought for, if revolutionary and democratic organizations existed. Trade unions were forbidden or their activities were limited to almost on zero. In order to keep the female workers and workers and their organizations away, the trade unions from the political stage, permanently prohibitory laws were issued. Thus the establishment of a class trade union and the fight were prevented and forbidden more fUer their own interests. And who straeubte itself against it and fought for it, military of the state saw the executive bodies, police, and felt, how they function. Which is expected by the female workers and workers, it is that they "are silent" against the UnterdrUeckung and it as............. it "regards fate". The working class as a revolutionary class, which is able to create a new society with all national power from the political stage to keep away, is the most vital prerequisite for the FortfUehrung of the exploitation and suppression system of the imperialism and the oligarchy. These exploiting classes and their political leaders put forward and of the female workers and workers required "Kurd problems" in March 1990 for their SS decree to be "patriotic" still more and lock against the worst @Jnterdrueckungen "the eyes". Thus the suppressions were intensified and the economic, social and political crisis on the back of the female workers and workers was delivered. With the entry into force of the SS decree the strikes for "national safety reasons" were forbidden. The justified resistance of the mountain workers from Zonguldak ended to hundred-rope one hundred with the use of force of the police and Militaerbar@rikaden of the oligarchy, with the Passivisierung and dismissal Arbeiter..Das is an example of many. In this time humans became, "no the war!" said, shot, been into u-detention and tortured. In all regions the oligarchy intensified its UnterdrUeckung and terror substantial and in the last months zig revolutionaries, democrat inside and democrats in the torture chambers murdered.
At first sight the connection between the Kurdish national question is not clearly recognizable and the wages of the female workers and workers. However: The government the oligarchie knows this connection very exactly. It needs a society, in which everyone and everyone only actually think, do not worry about the others and are "silent" against everything, which is national. Only thus they can carry out their politics. This corresponds "divides and to herrsche" politics.
The ktirdische people, who are subjected to all possible national suppressions, prohibition of the language and the publications in Kurdish language, withdrawal residence regulation right as well as banishing into unfruchtbare regions of the country under feudalist suppression systems etc. are intensified effects of the SS decree of the oligarchy. This reality will keep upright with the reality of the female workers and workers and their suppression and exploitation intensity next to each other. On the one hand to the female workers and workers, farmer's wives and farmers and farmers "one suggests" to be with what it at wages received, content to behave and on the other hand, which concerns the suppressions against the Kurdish people, indifferently. On the other hand become the Kurdish farmer's wives and farmer, who are banished from their Doerfg rn, by its fields etc. into the other regions and into the cities to come, against the there living unemployed persons female workers and workers than arguments used. This applies however to all farmer's wives and farmer, not only the Kurdish. With the famous "restaurant decisions" 24. January "the farmer's wives and farmer were forced to leaving their reason and soil. The products of the peasantry are bought Z'Li low prices in relation to the investments and exported for low prices, in order to procure the foreign exchange needed for the kollaborierende Bourgeoisie.
It is tried to force with the same methods all progressive forces of the society into the "silentness". The oligarchy sells itself with the Demagogie to fight "anarchy and terror" as Beschuetzer of the "democracy", which could not gain a foothold ever in our country. Until today the oligarchy with their Demagogie "anarchy and terror" has tries and "weapons against weapons", to switch off the armed revolutionary organizations to passivisieren or. In reality it is the oligarchy, which accessed first against the people to the weapons and applied and applies force.
Almost periodically each decade they geputscht,
Suppressions and torture exercised. Hundreds of civilians let murder it on open road; that cannot be denied. It do not forget that with military service obligation the youth under weapons is forced and in the direction by a handful "professional one" against the own people is used. Last during the occupation of Kuwait by Saddam Hussein the oligarchy in Turkey took its workstation as a freiwillige at the point beside the USA. The actual interests of the USA were it to maintain and develop their position in the region. For this target it did not fall it with the other imperialistic forces heavily to throw ten thousands tons of bombs and extinguish ten thousands human lives. The oligarchy in Turkey and their political leaders, Turgut Ozal and its party ANAP at the point, 'haben nothing omitted and everything done and accept, around the imperialist too fallen and them their kollaboration proven. In order to keep, it let the circulating amount as fast and safe as possible arrange the country to a weapon depot of the USA. It likewise proved that it is more fUer something cash ready to lead the people into an open war. The oligarchy in Turkey used and proved the UN resolution concerned as an opportunity that she is ready to take part in hundredthousands murders and to re-design our country for the expansionistic targets of the imperialism to an attack base, if she gets in response some billions dollar. That has it, and she is involved in the committed innumerable murders as accomplices.
In as a country as ours the armed revolutionary fight is the only way and only hope for a future.
Who is to be received this handfuls, which push millions of worker inconsiderately in the misfortune, only in order for its kollaboration dollar?
That know you with certainty!
They are to be pursued anyhow in the press.
They are those, which believe that the generals can abolish jedwede democratic rights and liberties.
They are those, which know right nationalness up and the democratic rights only for itself and take, and if it is necessary for them, resolve their own parliament.
They are those, which make for itself the suitable the Minister and to Prime Minister, and, if unwanted, with "Stim"ii", with cash or other means remove.
They are those, the such as oezal because of their good services "according to noted".
They are those, the several parties to base let and this bezuschussen, in order to lead the people mad:
They are those, behind TUESIAD (association of Turkish large-scale manufacturers), MEASURING (national employers' association), TISK (fascist trade union) hide themselves.
They are those, which sell the ReichtUemer of our country by their political leaders to the imperialists.
They are getting thing the Koc, Sabanci, Eczacibasi, Berker, Garih, Kamhii, Enka, Profilo and Tekfen.
Behind these are the dollars, DM, Pound of Sterling, francs and Yen. Behind them is NATO, IWF, World Bank.
They are those causes for misery, suppression, unfairness in the country. They do not have weapons at first sight. But they believe that they can make everything with their five asterisk generals. They are those, which divide the people in Turkey and whom suppress Kurdish people. In the west Kurdish and in the east Turkish growing up are used in military uniforms against the people.
They exist with their paid military, police and official and weapons. Their only nightmare is a organisietes and armed people. In order to prevent, them each means is right.
The dominant classes try today, under the cover of a "civilian government" their suppressions against the people "legalisieren". To kaschieren, nothing more uses these "legalizations" with provocative theories. In particular after the SSDekreten, whereby the suppressions achieved extents of a genocide against the Kurdish people, a "silentness" is to be justified here by such "legalization maneuvers". Who is silent however, makes itself jointly guilty at all the offenses of the oligarchy and their executive. Who is silent today and makes themselves jointly guilty, even victim the same author will become tomorrow.
We are the fixed convictions that a real democracy requires the prerequisite that the oligarchy with its armed organs, with its tortures and murders and with their war drivers must be abolished including their anti-democratic laws.
This only way is only with the armed organization of the people and thus with the democratic people revolution possible. We, "announce THKP C/HDOe that we are ready for the real democracy, which is independent of the imperialism up to the victory of the fair fight, to fight. It is insured for everyone that we will further use all our possibilities and means in the fight for a real democracy, independence and equal rights.
We, say THKP C/hdo: Against for years against our people with all their means, in particular its weapons, led fight of the oligarchy, after our conviction only the armed fight is the correct way. Against their Demagogien and threats the resistance against the suppression and the fight against it, the function of all revolutionary, are democratic, progressive and patriotic forces. The individualism has to be secondary the community opposite.
Ours in the public as "Acilciler" admitted Organization will continue this their fight until victory. In the last years our name was used of some as group, it is hereby repeated underlined that these are with us in no relationship (and likewise their activities and VerOeffentlichungen since 1975).
To the memory of the fighters of the THKP-C and the THKO, those in Kizildere of 30. March 1972 in the direct fight with the oligarchy fell, we the armed internal messages specified in the appendix executed.
| | | 3 April 1991 |